Mastering job interviews: 10 tips to a new job

Job interview, job interview, job interview: The big hurdle on the way to a new job has many names. Anyone who finds themselves in this situation should follow these ten tips. Then you’ll get the job of your dreams! Nikolai Schwabauer, IT team leader at MINT Solutions, has accompanied hundreds of IT professionals on their […]
5 Competencies of successful software developers

The shortage of IT specialists has been shaping the labor market for years. Due to digitalization and the associated development of the latest technologies, companies are increasingly forced to attract and hire suitable software developers and IT specialists. Even though the number of young academics in computer science is on the rise (around 26,000 computer […]
How to get your career going in 2019

Do you want to achieve more professionally in 2019? You are still missing suitable tips that are easy to implement but have a great effect? Then read the following blog post by our colleague Nikolai Schwabauer on
Vacation Adé, Job Olé: 10 Tips Against Post-Holiday Syndrome

The vacation season is coming to an end and offices are filling up again. However, not everyone finds it easy to return to work. There is even a psychological term and an explanation for bad moods on the first working day after vacation. The reason for the so-called “post-holiday syndrome” is a feeling of insecurity. […]
3 vacation tips for your career

This is how you advance your career, even when you’re lazing on the beach – all you need is your smartphone: 1. set new goals Primarily, of course, you should relax and unwind on vacation. But if your thoughts revolve around your career, why not steer them toward a new objective: where do you want […]
Don’t miss these 10 IT trade shows in 2019

Are you an IT professional, IT consultant, Java developer, software engineer, software architect, graduate or simply interested in IT topics? If you’re looking to gain professional development in your field this year, expand your network, or even move up your career ladder, plan your visits to trade shows and conventions well in advance this year. […]
What do IT people have in common with Messi, Ronaldo or Neymar?

Lionell Messi, Christiano Ronaldo, Neymar. Was haben die bestbezahlten Spieler der Welt mit Informatikern, wie z.B. Java-Entwicklern, gemeinsam? Auch wenn ITler nicht mit einem Jahresgehalt in dreistelliger Millionen-Höhe prahlen können, so sind sie dennoch fast genauso begehrt wie die Spitzen-Sportler. Laut aktuellem MINT Frühjahresreport* ist die MINT Lücke wieder einmal gewachsen und nahm mit rund […]
What does a coffee service have to do with soccer?

Are you already looking forward to the 2019 World Cup? No, we didn’t mistype the date, but mean next year’s Women’s World Cup in France. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of it yet. Because women’s soccer gets much less attention than men’s soccer. This is also reflected in the salaries and bonuses that female […]
Why digitization is creating a record revival

Virtual reality, blockchain, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence… The list of trendy words that digitalization brings with it is long. But if you believe trend researcher Matthias Horx, there is another paradoxical phenomenon associated with digitization. “The more digitalized and connected it becomes, the more people crave things they can touch, reality and beautiful design. […]
7 events on the topic of autonomous driving that you should not miss

Mobility 4.0, electromobility, climate friendliness, augmented intelligence, digitalization in the car and other topics are shaping the future of the automobile and also many events this year. If you are looking for professional development in this area, to expand your network, or even to move up your career ladder, plan your visits to trade shows […]